1 General Behaviour
1.1 Giving and accepting benefits
We expressly refuse bribery as a means of obtaining anticompetitive advantages – employees are therefore not permitted to offer or give benefits to public officials (such as civil servants or public sector employees) or business partners with the aim of obtaining orders or other advantages. Likewise, it is not permitted to use one’s position in the company to demand or accept personal benefits.
We inform our supervisor immediately if we are confronted with demands for benefits or if we are offered such benefits by business partners or third parties. In principle, it is permissible to give or accept occasional or courtesy gifts of symbolic value as well as appropriate meal or event invitations.
1.2 Expectations from the suppliers and service providers
Rupp Austria GmbH, S&R Lindenberg Produktions GmbH and Rupp Lindenberg Produktions GmbH would like to work together as a company of integrity with similar business partners. We therefore expect suppliers and service providers have corresponding values and comply with applicable laws, to refrain from corruption, to observe human rights and labour laws, including laws against child labour, to take precautions to protect the environment and to demand corresponding regulations in their own supply chain.
1.3 Compliance Contact Person
Our private interests and personal considerations in no way influence our judgment in acting in the best interests of our company. If you have a potential conflict of interest, please report it to your supervisor, Human Resources or the compliance contact person.
2 Dealing with Employees and Social Partners
2.1 Anti-discrimination
We treat our employees with fairness and tolerance. As a matter of principle, we refuse to discriminate on the basis of nationality, ethnic origin, skin colour, gender, religion, culture, appearance, disability, age, sexual orientation, political views, membership of trade unions or employee representations.
2.2 Working conditions
The company guarantees workplace safety and health protection within the framework of national regulations and supports continuous development to improve the working environment.
2.3 Leadership culture
We believe that leadership is synonymous with taking responsibility for the employees entrusted to us. Every manager must earn the recognition of his or her employees through exemplary behaviour, performance, openness and social competence. Their responsibility also includes supporting employees in their development through challenging tasks and appropriate training.
2.4 Freedom of assembly and association
Rupp Austria GmbH, S&R Lindenberg Produktions GmbH and Rupp Lindenberg Produktions GmbH respects the right to freedom of association of its employees within the framework of the applicable rights and laws.
3 Conflicts of interest
Business decisions are always to be based on the best of our knowledge and belief, primarily in the interest of Rupp Austria GmbH, S&R Lindenberg Produktions GmbH and Rupp Lindenberg Produktions GmbH in the sense of goal- and result-oriented action, and should take into consideration the legitimate interests of our customers and business partners. It is not permissible to pursue one’s own interests to the disadvantage of Rupp Austria GmbH, S&R Lindenberg Produktions GmbH and Rupp Lindenberg Produktions GmbH. Every individual is therefore obliged to disclose possible conflicts of interest to his or her supervisor or the contact persons mentioned in point 9.
4 Handling Company Property and Information
4.1 Protecting company property
Rupp Austria GmbH, S&R Lindenberg Produktions GmbH and Rupp Lindenberg Produktions GmbH provide you machines/systems, IT, office and communication facilities and much more to perform your work. You must use this company property appropriately, responsibly, carefully and with cost-consciousness. Private or illegal use of the Internet and e-mail applications provided by the company is prohibited, unless this has been approved separately by the management.
4.2 Confidentiality of Information
Information about Rupp Austria GmbH, S&R Lindenberg Produktions GmbH and Rupp Lindenberg Produktions GmbH or business partners must be treated confidentially and must not be disclosed to unauthorised third parties. This confidentiality also applies beyond the end of the employment. The use of confidential information for personal gain is not permitted. We must handle personal data responsibly in compliance with the DSGVO.
4.3 Transparent processes and truthful reporting
Processes at Rupp Austria GmbH, S&R Lindenberg Produktions GmbH and Rupp Lindenberg Produktions GmbH should be as transparent as possible to ensure that they are managed and controlled optimally and to make results comprehensible. All books, records and reports to be kept are true, complete and comply with the rules and standards applicable to them.
5 Sustainable Management
For us, sustainable business means responsible and long-term relationships with employees, consumers, customers, suppliers and investors. As a leading supplier of processed cheese specialities and packaging of natural cheese, the protection of the environment and nature is particularly important to S&R Lindenberg Produktions GmbH and Rupp Lindenberg Produktions GmbH, both for us and for future generations. The company and each of us are required to be quality and consumer-oriented and to protect the environment through efficient use of resources, avoiding waste and recycling.
6 Vendors
We are encouraged to communicate the principles of this Code of Conduct Section 2 (dealing with business partners and third parties) to our direct suppliers, to promote compliance with the contents by our suppliers and to request them to also comply with this Code of Conduct. Our suppliers are encouraged to request their suppliers in turn, to follow the Code of Conduct Section 2.
7 Compliance
The company undertakes to inform its employees of the contents of this Code of Conduct and the resulting obligations in their respective current form. We jointly undertake to work towards ensuring that the company complies with the principles of this Code of Conduct, in particular by designing and, if necessary, adapting guidelines and processes.
8 Complaints and Information
The contact persons for questions regarding this Code of Conduct or for information on violations of this Code of Conduct are your supervisor and the respective employee representatives. Every individual may also contact the Human Resources Department.
This also applies to any information that the code of conduct itself needs to be amended. All information, questions and complaints shall be treated confidentially. Rupp Austria GmbH, S&R Lindenberg Produktions GmbH and Rupp Lindenberg Produktions GmbH also strive for a strong feedback culture in which every individual should be able to speak his or her mind openly and honestly without fear of reprisal. Written information can be submitted by every individual in his or her native language.
Contact person
– Head of Human Resources
Tell us your concerns:
– compliance@rupp.at
9 Consequences of Non-Compliance
The code of conduct is binding for every individual at Rupp Austria GmbH, S&R Lindenberg Produktions GmbH and Rupp Lindenberg Produktions GmbH. Irrespective of the position of the person concerned in the company, non-compliance will be punished after careful consideration and in accordance with the regulations of the concerned country and location.